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Why Websites Themes & Templates Don’t Help Your Restaurant

What is a genuinely custom web design? Many web design companies seem to think it consists of a pre-designed template taken from an online store, with the client’s logo and content slapped on it and some colour customisation. While this kind of design may require little financial outlay, it simply won’t help a business differentiate it’s brand and convert visits into motivated leads, as effectively as a bespoke approach to the design of their website.

Here at Futura, we reject this approach in favour of specifically tailoring our custom designs to the client’s needs. Here is why website templates and themes simply don’t work and can be a liability for your business…

A template forces the company to fit into a mould

While website themes and templates vary in quality, even the best ones still require the website to be forced into a pre-crafted design, with little scope for targeting a specific market through the use of carefully considered layouts and user journeys.

In any case, why settle for little more than a template with your company logo and content attached, which has taken no consideration of the information and visuals you need to convey to convert visitors into customers?


Thousands of websites use the same templates

More than just dull, websites based on templates can be overly familiar and will do little to differentiate you and amplify your USP. There are only a few major online stores offering templates for website developers – and some of those templates have already been used for thousands of websites.

So, opting for a template means that your company’s website could end up looking too similar to that of a company based in the same town or city. Worse, it could resemble a direct competitor’s site! A genuinely custom design is better for ensuring that your website is unique in appearance.

Many website themes are poorly coded

This is a big issue because, like a car with a poor electrical system, a badly coded template could bring up lots of unexpected problems that you could seriously struggle to diagnose.

Worse, poorly coded themes are now common – and often, web developers who use templates lack the skill to assess whether a particular theme has badly written code.

Our customisation extends to the back end

For your company’s website, we can customise not only the outer interface that your customers use, but also the WordPress administrative area. This can make the long-term management of your site so much easier, which is just one of many differences that you can expect when you turn to our web design agency in London.


For further information on our digital strategy consulting services, please contact us on 020 7993 4477


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